Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Since I've gotten back from PC, I've had to get into the re-groove of my diet....Doing pretty good, I've lost 2 lbs since I've gotten back.

Here's sucky part. I feel like my boobs are deflating. Or shrinking. I know it's because of the weight loss, but I've never been under a D in my life. Those of you who have breasfed know that once you've done that, your boobs lose most of thier shape anyways and lay flat. So now....flat shrinking boobs. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

I'm proud because I know I'm losing weight, but at the same time...it sucks.

But hey, at least I'm closer to getting my boobie job and tummy tuck.

Anyone want to go to Victoria's Secret and cheer me on, lol?

*sigh* I just had to vent.

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posted by gen at 5:50 AM | 7 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Back from Panama City.

Wasn't there for long, but It sure was an eventful trip :)

First, I totally surprised my Mom. I was in their driveway when I called her and she pretty much freaked with happiness, lol. It was great.

So then, I took her out to get her a mani & pedi, get her a new hair makeover and a massage. Went out to a gerat restaurant called "Chula's". If your ever in town try it, they have great mexican and carribean food for very decent prices. My sister met us there and from there we went and got my mom a tattoo.

Yes, you read that right. My Mom got a tattoo. A little history on why this is so funny to me: for as long as I can remember she has been telling me that tattoos are so bad and if you have them you're a criminal, or something along those lines...So imagine how shocked I was when she agreed to get it. My sister and I picked out the design (a little heart with a flower stem) that all three of us were going to get. I didn't have time to go and get mine , but my sister and mom ahve thier done...so next time I'm in town it's my turn :/ Anywho, getting offtrack....After this is done we bring her back to the house (she's been out with us ALL day) and surprise her with a pretty awesome surprise party ^.^

We were proud, lol. And tired.

The next day I kinda just chilled with the kids and looked around town. As much as I complained about it while I was down there, it really does have some beautiful sights. *Sigh*

That night I met up with Faith and Eliza to hang out and we ended up having dinner at Casa de Fogo.....All I can say is...YUM. I've lived there for years and never been, so it was nice to finally cross that off of my things to do list. Even better that I liked it so much :) Afterwards we kinda drove around.....ended up at CK secrets, lol. Decided on havin g a sex toy party in pc then ran to walmart to get meds for Faith's daughters (poor babies were sick). Low key but nice.

Next day I drove home-get this-without the kids. Oh yeah. My parents offered to take them and Ian will pick them up this weekend. So yay for me. It doesn't seem any less busy though. Ugh.

Work is good. Kinda slow...but it's good. Natasa got a job with me so it'll go by quicker. Hopefully. Plenty more interesting that's for sure ;)

I'm running out of things to say.

It's freakin' cold. i love it.

Goodnight all.

More from DieselSmoke at Myxer

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posted by gen at 8:41 PM | 6 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.
posted by gen at 12:10 AM | 2 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
So since the last baby powder episode. We have somehow managed to go through that 3 more times....At least their room smells nice. We have to lock up the baby powder now. How sad is that?

Good news...I'm finally in the 140's. I've also taken up running. It's slow and I hate it, but hopefully all this will make me like it more.

So Ian and I (well mostly Ian) drew up an excel sheet of our finances. We should be debt free in about a year and a half, maybe sooner if we do really good. We just sold our bowflex and it was so nice making a $1000.00 payment on a credit card.

Going to Panama City this sunday to surprise my Mom for her Bday. It'll just be me and the kids though, Ian has a TDY he has to go to. So Faith & Jessi get ready to hang out. ;)

Still can't decide if I want to do the Marine Reserves or not. It's a hard decision. Part of me wants to go for myself to prove to me that I can do something this challenging and to make my family proud of me......but then part of me doesn't want to leave my family. Hmph.

So I'm working on losing the weight and getting everything in order just in case I do. We'll see.

So a friend of mine (Thanks Courtney!) sent me this test to take. It's a personality test and it's really interesting. Go take it and see what you are. I'm a blue. Apparantly this company does this for employers to get a better sense of what their employees are like. Pretty nifty.


I'm a blue and here is what it says about me :

BLUES are motivated by INTIMACY. They seek to genuinely connect with others, and need to be understood and appreciated. Everything they do is quality-based. They are loyal friends, employers, and employees. Whatever or whomever they commit to is their sole (and soul) focus. They love to serve and give themselves freely in order to nurture others' lives.

BLUES have distinct preferences and have the most controlling personality. Their personal code of ethics is remarkably strong and they expect others to live honest, committed lives as well. They enjoy meaningful moments in conversation as well as paying close attention to special life events (e.g. birthdays and anniversaries). BLUES are dependable, thoughtful, and analytical; but can also be self-righteous, worry-prone, and moody. They are "sainted pit-bulls" who never let go of something or someone, once they are committed. When you deal with a BLUE, be sincere and make a genuine effort to understand and appreciate them.

Understand that no two BLUES are exactly alike. Although you share the same core motivation as many others, your personality is still unique to you alone.

Is that me?

Still trying to find my foster puppy a home....anyone looking? He's a a heinz 57 for sure. has a bully head and is black all over with a white chest and white boots. super cute. The only thing is.....it has been nearly impossible to get pictures of this little man. Like he know when the camera is pointing at him. A friend of mine is going to try again today. Without pictures, we can't get him up on petfinder. :(

What are you guys doing for Valentine's Day? We're having ours a few days after it since Ian will be gone again. Just the same 'ol same 'ol....dinner, maybe a movie....who knows. I'm starting to feel like all these holidays are a big scam. Lol.

So I am being a lazy-butt today. Going to take a nap....bring rosco (my foster's name) to get his shots, then I'm off to work.

My friend, Natasa suggested we start playing the lottery. I know everyone says it's a big waste of money. But seriously, how cool would that be?

Alright folks. Have a wonderful day.

posted by gen at 9:37 AM | 5 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
What a great day.
posted by gen at 6:28 PM | 5 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Had a really good day today.

Here's how it went....

After Kim came and got her kiddos (they spent the night and woke up early) I went back to bed.

Maybe an hour later I ehar the fire alarm go off. I go turn it off the main switchboard thingy and check the hallway closet where the heater is.....wierd. Everything seems and smells normal to me. So I go back to bed.

Another hour later....I hear the kids up and about, yelling at each other throwing toys etc. So Ian and I get up to go greet them when we opened the door we were shocked.

As the door opened it was like a light white mist everywhere. My kids' hair was an ashy grey and EVERYTHING in the room was coated white. Baby Powder. My darling son had gotten ahold of it and emptied a brand new economy sized bottle of powder into everything........I wish I could have seen his face as he was doing it.

Their faces were so cute when we walked in, it's like they knew. Even though Reese was in the crib and didn't do anything she looked at us like "please don't get mad at me." Lol. It was darling.

Soooo.....that took about an hour to clean up, not to mention we were all coughing up baby powder and had to wash all the sheets, pillows and teddy bears in the room. My Dyson has never been more handy.

I Love my kids. Ian and I had to hide our laughter because we could tell they felt bad. ^.^

AFter that.....(it's now time for their usual midday nap) Ian takes Landon and I take Reese and we are going to have a boy's day and a girl's day. Ian took Landon to the McD's Indoor playground for breakie while I took Reese to the BK on base. Then we went to the consignment store and browsed then on over to the mall to get my work schedule for the week.......where she also got a big sprinkly sugar cookie :) It was fun just haveing mother-daughter time and Ian enjoyed his time with Landon, too. Then we met back at the house and let them nap. We got a lot of chores done. It was jsut a real productive day.

When they woke up Ian took Landon to the track and softball field to kick around a soccor ball and get this- my son ran around the track 1 1/2 times! Shit- that's more than I can do, lol! I'm so proud....but Ian said some kids stole Landon's soccor ball so that kinda stinks.

Reese and I went to get a battery for an old camera of Ian's that I found. Once I put the battery in I found soooo many old pictures back when Ian and I were dating....I'll have to see how I can get some of those on here. Then we walked around walmart...nothing special.

Came back, had dinner (tuna helper's divine!) put the kids to bed and now Ian and I are about to watch some movies.....

I'm capooped. Is that even a word anymore? I don't know.

Anywho. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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posted by gen at 7:20 PM | 3 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
Good Morning all.

So, most of you know that I deleted my myspace and came here instead. I'm really surprised how many of my "friends" pretty much cut me off and stopped talking to me becuase of that. Wierd. Oh well. On a better note. I have gotten so much more stuff done and life feels simpler, lol. Isn't that so sad?

I'm down another 2 lbs! Go me! Next week my goal is to get into the 140's!

I'm also thinking about going vegetarian.....again. I have a friend who has been a vegetarian for a few weeks now and she has given me inspiration to try again. The only thing I think I cannot give up is fish :/ geesh. I think there is something called a pasco-vegetarian (guessing) where that is the only "meat" you can eat. (Bible said you could have fish & bread!) We'll see.

Mike huckabee won Iowa last night! Woo0hoo! I hope he's our next president. He seems to have his head on much straighter than the democrats do. Plus he support the Fairtax so he's definitly my guy.

It's friday and I have no clue what I am going to do today. Hmm.....Any suggestions? All i have to do for sure is go to the gym.

Ok, so this totally just popped into my head and is just a little rant but.......here it goes. I feel like I am a good friend. I feel that i go above and beyond for most of my friends especially when they are in need. Sometimes I try to stay neautral in all parties and talk to everyone. It's like.....whatever you do-people get pissed off. Women, more specifically. Or jealous that I'm talking to another girl more than them. Not like I'm married to any one of them. I don't know. I jst feel that maybe if these people really valued me as a friend they wouldn't make me feel so guilty all the time like I have to choose. It's pretty shitty and I'm tired of being walked all over and used.

So there. Lol.


Hope everyone has a happy and safe weekend!


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posted by gen at 4:38 AM | 6 comments