Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Since I've gotten back from PC, I've had to get into the re-groove of my diet....Doing pretty good, I've lost 2 lbs since I've gotten back.

Here's sucky part. I feel like my boobs are deflating. Or shrinking. I know it's because of the weight loss, but I've never been under a D in my life. Those of you who have breasfed know that once you've done that, your boobs lose most of thier shape anyways and lay flat. So now....flat shrinking boobs. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

I'm proud because I know I'm losing weight, but at the same time...it sucks.

But hey, at least I'm closer to getting my boobie job and tummy tuck.

Anyone want to go to Victoria's Secret and cheer me on, lol?

*sigh* I just had to vent.

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posted by gen at 5:50 AM |

At January 29, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Blogger Na'Ta said........
Congrats, congrats, congrats
you able to shop a VS store now....of course I'm with you to cheer you up ;-D

let them get flat, just dont look on it.....but they are getting ready for your boob job you should see it from that perspective!!!

At January 29, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Blogger Na'Ta said........
Hey u....you got our song on it....I was going to use it for valentines....;) It's been our song since 1998 the year we met.....
OMG....I just realized January 31st, is the day we got together.....oh shit, I almost forgot...lol
Ten years....wow....and I'm going to be on orientation :( Can't go anywhere after that :(

At January 29, 2008 at 11:28 PM, Blogger Faith said........
Girl, I would rather be flat chested than fat. I think small boobs look better in clothing. Look at Paris Hilton. Go to VS, get yourself the new Very Sexy Angels bra, and push those babies all the way up to your cheeks. No one will even know that they're deflating. :)

At January 30, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Blogger Courtney said........
Yay for shrinking boobies and Vicky's Secret! lol! I can see why you might be down about shrinking boobies, but if it means you can now fit into V.S. bras then consider yourself lucky! I won't wear any bras except V.S. Those do wonderful, amazing things for boobs and they're pretty. They are pricey, but to me, they're worth it. Oh, but here's a big tip: do NOT machine wash the bras or put them in the dryer. They won't last nearly as long if you don't handwash them. I have V.S. bras that are four-years-old that are still in good shape because I handwash them.

You must come down here! It would be so awesome to see you! =)

At February 3, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Blogger licialee said........
That sux. ALthough.. I don't see the problem since my boobs have never been anywhere NEAR a d cup. lol. why hte tummy tuck after all the weight loss???? :D gl with it all. I'm trying.. and no being very successful

At February 4, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Blogger Courtney said........
I love, love, love your blog layout. BUT. . .

the bad thing about it is that it is waaay too tempting. It makes me want to eat yummy, but fattening things. LOL!

Will power. . . I'm fresh out. lol! ;)

At February 11, 2008 at 7:52 AM, Blogger Jessi said........
Awesome girl! I've gone down a cup size, and I'm in a D now. Still can't wear Victoria Secret bras. Poop. And I so know what you mean about flat boobs. Boy do I! LoL

But on another note, I have to get rid of Rosie. We are moving and Bo wants to keep the place we are moving to cleaner and it is just too hard with Rosie because she sheds so much. I don't want to get rid of her, but Bo insists. So I was wondering if you wanted me to take her back to your parents, or you know someone to take her, or I can find I good home for her. Just let me know. We are moving at the first of the month.