Thursday, January 24, 2008
Back from Panama City.

Wasn't there for long, but It sure was an eventful trip :)

First, I totally surprised my Mom. I was in their driveway when I called her and she pretty much freaked with happiness, lol. It was great.

So then, I took her out to get her a mani & pedi, get her a new hair makeover and a massage. Went out to a gerat restaurant called "Chula's". If your ever in town try it, they have great mexican and carribean food for very decent prices. My sister met us there and from there we went and got my mom a tattoo.

Yes, you read that right. My Mom got a tattoo. A little history on why this is so funny to me: for as long as I can remember she has been telling me that tattoos are so bad and if you have them you're a criminal, or something along those lines...So imagine how shocked I was when she agreed to get it. My sister and I picked out the design (a little heart with a flower stem) that all three of us were going to get. I didn't have time to go and get mine , but my sister and mom ahve thier next time I'm in town it's my turn :/ Anywho, getting offtrack....After this is done we bring her back to the house (she's been out with us ALL day) and surprise her with a pretty awesome surprise party ^.^

We were proud, lol. And tired.

The next day I kinda just chilled with the kids and looked around town. As much as I complained about it while I was down there, it really does have some beautiful sights. *Sigh*

That night I met up with Faith and Eliza to hang out and we ended up having dinner at Casa de Fogo.....All I can say is...YUM. I've lived there for years and never been, so it was nice to finally cross that off of my things to do list. Even better that I liked it so much :) Afterwards we kinda drove around.....ended up at CK secrets, lol. Decided on havin g a sex toy party in pc then ran to walmart to get meds for Faith's daughters (poor babies were sick). Low key but nice.

Next day I drove home-get this-without the kids. Oh yeah. My parents offered to take them and Ian will pick them up this weekend. So yay for me. It doesn't seem any less busy though. Ugh.

Work is good. Kinda slow...but it's good. Natasa got a job with me so it'll go by quicker. Hopefully. Plenty more interesting that's for sure ;)

I'm running out of things to say.

It's freakin' cold. i love it.

Goodnight all.

More from DieselSmoke at Myxer

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posted by gen at 8:41 PM |

At January 25, 2008 at 1:30 AM, Blogger Na'Ta said........
yep its freakin cold.....I just got off from work...its 4.30am got me a cappuccino on the way fingers still cold....sounds interesting your lil vacation....will comment later after my sleep....I know for sure that the bed will be nice and cozy....I lay down in a few mins. and my husband will get up for
ttyl...wish you a great start this morning...;-)

At January 25, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Blogger Jessi said........
Glad you had fun while you were here!! Should have called me! LoL No, it's okay, I understand you didn't have a lot of time. I hope all is well...and don't worry, it's cold here too this morning!!

At January 25, 2008 at 8:52 PM, Blogger licialee said........
glad you had a good trip. sounds like fun. :D. enjoy your time off from the kiddos. stay warm!!!

At January 27, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Blogger Faith said........
I had a great time hanging out with you! Next time, we can go and get your tattoo. I was thinking of getting a dove on my wrist or maybe a cupcake...? Yeah, I did get your message about the pit and called that same day. I went out there the following day but didn't see any dogs. Hopefully the animal control took him. :( No, still haven't found the neighbors cat. She thinks maybe some old lady stole her. *shrugs* I don't know. So, next time, Death by Chocolate? Another Fat Kid Dairies day!

At January 28, 2008 at 5:00 AM, Blogger Courtney said........
It's even cold down here in Tampa! Brrrr! I hate it!

Glad you had a great time in good ol' P.C. I'm afraid of getting a tattoo. First off, I can't handle pain well. Second, I'm afraid that I'd regret it later. That's awesome that your mom, sis, and you are all getting the same tat, though! That's something very meaningful that I might be able to do one day. Maybe when my seven-year-old sis gets A LOT older, we'll do something like that.

Anyway, have a beautiful day! :)

At January 29, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Blogger Na'Ta said........
Hey ya, back again....;-)
It's cool how you surprised your mom, I maybe steal your idea and do the same.
The tattoo thing is awesome! I still dunno how you got her into it???
Is she a criminal now??? jk

It's good that you experience something new in your old town. I can't wait to see my city....I'm sure a lot have changed in the last 2 years.

Hey I found this Japanese Restaurant in Macon Tokyo Alley....check this out its a Japanese/Thai restaurant......when can we go? I remember you said you like Thai.
