So, most of you know that I deleted my myspace and came here instead. I'm really surprised how many of my "friends" pretty much cut me off and stopped talking to me becuase of that. Wierd. Oh well. On a better note. I have gotten so much more stuff done and life feels simpler, lol. Isn't that so sad?
I'm down another 2 lbs! Go me! Next week my goal is to get into the 140's!
I'm also thinking about going vegetarian.....again. I have a friend who has been a vegetarian for a few weeks now and she has given me inspiration to try again. The only thing I think I cannot give up is fish :/ geesh. I think there is something called a pasco-vegetarian (guessing) where that is the only "meat" you can eat. (Bible said you could have fish & bread!) We'll see.
Mike huckabee won Iowa last night! Woo0hoo! I hope he's our next president. He seems to have his head on much straighter than the democrats do. Plus he support the Fairtax so he's definitly my guy.
It's friday and I have no clue what I am going to do today. Hmm.....Any suggestions? All i have to do for sure is go to the gym.
Ok, so this totally just popped into my head and is just a little rant it goes. I feel like I am a good friend. I feel that i go above and beyond for most of my friends especially when they are in need. Sometimes I try to stay neautral in all parties and talk to everyone. It's like.....whatever you do-people get pissed off. Women, more specifically. Or jealous that I'm talking to another girl more than them. Not like I'm married to any one of them. I don't know. I jst feel that maybe if these people really valued me as a friend they wouldn't make me feel so guilty all the time like I have to choose. It's pretty shitty and I'm tired of being walked all over and used.
So there. Lol.
Hope everyone has a happy and safe weekend!
Labels: bitches, friday, losing weight, vegetarian