Friday, January 4, 2008
Good Morning all.

So, most of you know that I deleted my myspace and came here instead. I'm really surprised how many of my "friends" pretty much cut me off and stopped talking to me becuase of that. Wierd. Oh well. On a better note. I have gotten so much more stuff done and life feels simpler, lol. Isn't that so sad?

I'm down another 2 lbs! Go me! Next week my goal is to get into the 140's!

I'm also thinking about going vegetarian.....again. I have a friend who has been a vegetarian for a few weeks now and she has given me inspiration to try again. The only thing I think I cannot give up is fish :/ geesh. I think there is something called a pasco-vegetarian (guessing) where that is the only "meat" you can eat. (Bible said you could have fish & bread!) We'll see.

Mike huckabee won Iowa last night! Woo0hoo! I hope he's our next president. He seems to have his head on much straighter than the democrats do. Plus he support the Fairtax so he's definitly my guy.

It's friday and I have no clue what I am going to do today. Hmm.....Any suggestions? All i have to do for sure is go to the gym.

Ok, so this totally just popped into my head and is just a little rant it goes. I feel like I am a good friend. I feel that i go above and beyond for most of my friends especially when they are in need. Sometimes I try to stay neautral in all parties and talk to everyone. It's like.....whatever you do-people get pissed off. Women, more specifically. Or jealous that I'm talking to another girl more than them. Not like I'm married to any one of them. I don't know. I jst feel that maybe if these people really valued me as a friend they wouldn't make me feel so guilty all the time like I have to choose. It's pretty shitty and I'm tired of being walked all over and used.

So there. Lol.


Hope everyone has a happy and safe weekend!


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posted by gen at 4:38 AM |

At January 4, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
Hey there.. I wont dismiss ya just cause your no a myspacer anymore..I'll read here and there but dont expect me to blog. Anywho about the friend stuff, just tell them all to grow up! Thats what I would do.. Ignore them or just keep life to yourself until they find the need for you and appreciate you for you and not be greedy w/ gen. Might sound strange but its worked for me. Happy New Year! Niki

At January 4, 2008 at 9:13 PM, Blogger Jessi said........
Hey girl! You go on your weight loss! And I love you. *MWAH*

At January 4, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Blogger Ais4Alisha said........
Yay on your weight loss!!!! That's awesome! I like reading your stuff so I'm here...but I'm not a big blogger, but who knows. Can't wait to get together on Tuesday at the BK, and no I'm not one of those greedy bitches, LOL...It'll be good to catch up though. xoxo

At January 5, 2008 at 8:48 PM, Blogger Faith said........
I actually like blogging on this site better than I do on myspace. I have a little more privacy on this page and I feel like I can say what I want without having to worry about what people think about it.

You should really try to go vegetarian. Honestly, it's very hard the first couple of weeks but after that, its almost like your taste buds change and you no longer crave meat the way that you did before. I had a piece of a chicken
tender, which were on of my faves and it just didn't taste the same anymore. The only time I really eat meat is when we go out and I usually just order some type of fish or shellfish. The only problem I have in eating fish is the high mercury levels that are found in them. But once again, I only eat them on occasion.

Also, good luck on your weight loss. I would kill to be in the 140's. Girl, I'm still in the 170's. :/ Gosh darn baby weight. I'm really going to get back into it now that my gym is expanding into a co-ed facility. I got a discount of Stephen's membership so maybe we'll be able to motivate each other. I still have high hope...Okay, this comment is turning into a blog of its own. I'll talk to you later.

At January 8, 2008 at 6:03 AM, Blogger Na'Ta said........
Hello Gen...I was here 5 min. ago with my comment....firefox shut down before I was able to post, now everything what I said is gone....:(

Being a vegetarian....its nothing wrong with it to eat veggies and fruits....but I think that when you on your weight loss you need protein, fish has protein and other minerals your body needs....I would say...just eat fish everyday until you can't see it any more and you stop on your own plus you lose weight....:( On the other should concentrate more on your weight loss as being a might damage yourself with not eating meats that you go and eat ICE CREAM "ka-ching"

your myspace friends....well you see how many followed you...don't be so upset or depressed about it....its nothing wrong with are a gentle, nice with a heart person....I see you go above and beyond with your friends......those haven't followed you fuck them....they stupid they don't appreciate you....leave them alone....don't hang out with morons!!!
It good to have friends....for me it works out to have 4-5 great friends....I'm there for them and they are there for me....well most of them not here in
You have your family, take care of them first then your friends....have one best friend and 4-5 great friends....and so many as you want SAY HELLO me it works out just have enough time to be there for them 100%....too many friends cause to many dramas....I don't like I'm good.

congrats to your 152.....i can't go to the gym today again....:( but its ok...maybe its just what my body needs right now....I don't have enough energy for the weight training.....but I will be up there soon.

At January 13, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
Hey girl! Sorry it took me so long to get over here. I save a ton of stuff to my bookmarks, but completely forget that I have stuff saved in there. Anyway, congrats on the weight loss! Must be nice to be so close to the 140s...haven't seen that since I first got married! We need to get the Landons together sometime soon. I've been kind of "out" since Wednesday. I'll make it short and sweet. Car wreck, possible totaled car, 2nd degree burns on hands from airbags. So yep, my past few days have been EXCELLENT, lemme tell ya. Anyway, I'll be following your blogs. I should probably start one here as well, and only tell a few people (the girls in the Robins AFB group on Myspace too, of course). I just hate putting blogs on myspace because I don't want some people reading them, and the preferred list gets complicated. Certain people I want to read certain things, and then other things I don't want read by them, you know what I mean. Anyway, keep up with the blogs, please! They are interesting :)