It's been awhile since I've blogged last. And posted. This is such a good outlet for me but at the same time, I've found myself writing pages upon pages then when it comes to posting...I just delete it.
I guess just getting it out on "paper" is good enough for me.
How have y'all been? Me, not too shabby.
School starts April 1st and for the first time the kids will be going to a full-time sitter. Fun stuff. Let me tell ya.
My mood has changed some. I went from...let's say a little bit moody to very forgiving in the last month. Lol. I've realized that no matter how much you try to be the nice person or help that there are "takers" in this world that will keep on taking until you have nothing to give.....and after that, they become bitter. I was listening to John Tesh on the radio, love that show btw, and he was saying something about letting people go who have no positive impactt on your life and forgiving them, that it would make me feel better. And surprisingly enough, it really does.
Have a great week guys.
Ps. Thinking about getting back on myspace....since I haven't been udpating as much as I would like to on here and am about to start school. 5 days a week- cringe-